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2015 Bookshelf: I Capture the Castle

Meg Chaney


This book, originally published in 1948, was a book that came highly recommended to me by other readers. I've seen it often in bookstores, and often wondered what it was like. I Capture the Castle was a book I loved in the beginning, hated in the middle, and then loved again by the end. How does one write a review of that?

The narrator, Cassandra, was compelling. I loved her descriptions of life lived in a dilapidated castle with her eccentric family. Those descriptions were probably my favorite part of the story. 

How strange and beautiful it looked in the late afternoon light! I can still recapture that first glimpse—see the sheer grey stone walls and towers against the pale yellow sky, the reflected castle stretching towards us on the brimming moat, the floating patches of emerald-green water weed.... How well I remember that run through the stillness, the smell of wet stone and wet weeds as we crossed the bridge, the moment of excitement before we stepped in at the little door! Once through, we were in the cool dimness of the gatehouse passage. That was where I first felt the castle—it is the place where one is most conscious of the great weight of stone above and around one.
— p.28, 29

I felt the excitement, the air of mystery, of intrigue, of romance, in Cassandra living in such an old castle, filled with memories and stories inside the walls. The images, the smells, the sensations were so real, that I felt like I was experiencing it along with her. The castle was truly a main character in this story. The name of the book makes sense, for the character of Cassandra truly does "Capture the Castle" with her journaling skills. 

I was also quite impressed with the first person narrative. Sometimes first person narrative can come off as choppy, distracting, hard to follow. I never had this issue with this book though. It was believable. Much of the story was told through Cassandra's journal keeping, so you saw each moment through her eyes, as she would have experienced it. The writing style was easy to read and comfortable. I was actually sad to see her story end. 

For as much as I liked this story, there were some pretty major things that bothered me as well. Things I'd be lax not to mention to all of you.  Some of these were: references to sex, her step-mother posing nude, and the promotion of atheism throughout the novel. (She does question the existence of God, but nothing really comes from that mystic moment of revelation). Also, there's a pretty clear moment, early in the novel, when one of the characters prays to the demon gargoyle on the side of the castle. They joke about it being a demon or angel, and then later discuss that, maybe, this prayer to the devil worked in their favor. 

I could see this book being a great book for a college writing class. There are so many great examples of characterization, first person narrative, and scene descriptions. The author does an excellent job at all of these things. But, as I stated about, there are also some pretty big drawbacks, things I would definitely be cautionary of when recommending this book. If you're willing to take this book as a lesson, sifting through what you agree with and possibly disagree with, I say, go for it, and enjoy this book for what it is, a beautiful look at a bygone time in England. 

Interested in what I'm reading this year? Check out my Pinterest Board here. This was book 2 on my 2015 Bookshelf. Here's what I'm reading next. 

2015 Bookshelf: Bread & Wine Book Review

Meg Chaney

What I'm Reading 2015: Bread & Wine Book Review

Right around the New Year I decided to take part in a challenge.  I loved Modern Mrs. Darcy's idea of reading books in different categories. It sounded like a fun way to push myself to read more, to take those breaks, those "Megan" moments throughout the day. Maybe your like me, at homes with little ones, with next to zero time to yourself, or, you work long hours at a time, and honestly fall asleep on the couch if you try to read at night. I hear you, it's hard. But it's so refreshing. It's refreshing to take that 10 minute break in the middle of your afternoon, pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea, and feel renewed, refreshed, encouraged by an author. And so, I'm trying harder to do just that. I'm paying attention to those pockets of time I come across, an unexpected nap time for a little one, a (rare!) moment when the kiddos are playing peacefully together. Or even just dancing silly around the kitchen. I'm also setting aside a mid-afternoon "Reading Time." I sit on the couch, sip a drink, and read, while Ezra plays with his trains and Emma pages through books, looking at the pictures. It doesn't always work well, but I'm hoping it will get better, as my kiddos actually learn how to read themselves! I want to teach them, first of all, how important resting is for all of us, and, secondly, how important reading is! 

My first book of 2015 was Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist

Shauna endeared herself to me immediately. She's a Midwest girl, who grew up within a few hours of my parent's home, and spent her summers in the same little beach town as us! (We've never met). It was fun reading about places that I've actually been to and enjoyed, totally happenstance, but fun! Her style is humorous, genuine, like she truly is just sitting across from you at the table and telling you about her life. She's honest with her struggles, frustrations, not always understanding the way God acts, but trying to be content through the process. The chapters in her book are little essays, anecdotes, moments from her life at home with a little one, dreaming and praying and crying out to God for another child. 

I want to cultivate a deep sense of gratitude, of groundedness, of enough, even while I’m longing for something more. The longing and the gratitude, both. I’m practicing believing that God knows more than I know, that he sees what I can’t, that he’s weaving a future I can’t even imagine from where I sit this morning. Extraordinary indeed. More than enough.
— Shauna Niequist, Bread & Wine, p. 59

I loved this quote. I struggle being home with little ones on somedays, of having so many other dreams, and with right now not being "enough." This balance she speaks up sums up things perfectly for me. Of letting today be "enough" even while longing for other things. Of living completely in the today blessings that God has given me, doing each chore, each task, with all of my heart, trusting that God has placed me here for a reason. 

Shauna's book is about fellowship, about inviting people into your home, your life, even if it is a little messy, a few cheerios here and there, and dust bunnies behind the couch. It's about trying new recipes, reaching out to people you don't know and allowing them to live life with you. It isn't about creating something spectacular, but it is about trying new things, being adventurous, inviting people into your imperfections. In one chapter, she writes about having a special birthday dinner for a friend. At that dinner, they say around, telling the birthday guy all the reasons they were thankful for him in their life. I love what she said next:

The food was good that night. I loved being able to serve foods that were meaningful to Nathan, that represented his story and history, and we had a great meal together. But that night wasn’t about the food. The food and the table and the laughter helped to create sacred space, a place to give someone the gift of words. That’s what the night was about—sacred space and words of love. Well, that and fresh raspberry ice cream.
— Shauna Niequist, Bread & Wine, p.177

Creating space. Space to invite people in, to encourage them, live this life with them. After reading Niequest's book, I was so encouraged to reach out and invite people into my space. Invite them to my table, be it for a cup of coffee, a playdate, or an evening of games around the table. Whatever works for our family in this time of our life. But inviting them in, instead of keeping them at a distance. Making that effort. Loving them. I think it's pretty great if you can say a book encouraged you that way! Food is an important thing. We all need it for nourishment, so way not use it to love others and invite them in? 

Learn, little by little, meal by meal, to feed yourself and the people you love, because food is one of the ways we love each other, and the table is one of the most sacred places we gather.
— Shauna Niequest, Bread & Wine, p.51




Interested in what I'm reading this year? Check out my Pinterest Board here. This was book 1 on my 2015 Bookshelf. Here's what I'm reading next. 

I received no compensation for this book review. I just wanted to share a book with you that I enjoyed. 

Things I'm Passionate About: Mocha Club

Meg Chaney

 This past year there has been an increased call on my heart to serve. To serve locally, and to serve world-wide. This book was part of that push. Attending The Influence Conference last September was also enlightening. The Influence Conference encouraged me to think about my own field of influence, and what I can do with the time and passions God has given me. This is a unique time in my life, with little ones at home, so I've been seeking out ways that I can love from where I am, right now, in the midst of cheerioes on the floor, toys being stepped on, dinner planning, little kid craziness. And so, I asked a question of myself. What am I passionate about? What do I want to focus those brief moments each week when I can actually sit down and write. 

And for me, one of those those answers was missions. I've always had a desire to serve those in need, especially orphans. And, quite honestly, I wonder if the possibility of adoption will enter our lives someday. Not now, no, I know that God hasn't opened our hearts to that possibility right now. But I wonder if, maybe someday it will be different? I want to go on and on about orphan care, but for now, I'll introduce you to my new favorite cause.

Enter Mocha Club.

Mocha Club is an organization that gives back to Africa, through the practical premise of giving up a few mochas every month and giving that money to help those in need instead. Mocha Club has five developmental areas they invest in: Clean Water, Education, Economic Freedom, Heathcare, and Orphan Care. I first heard about Mocha Club through The Influence Network, and was given the chance to listen and talk to these people in person last Fall. This is a cool organization, friends. 

Here's a short video to watch: "I need Africa more than Africa needs me."

If you'd like to find out more, and join in with me in supporting this program, follow the link below. I'd love to have you on my team!


Mocha Club is in no way paying me to write this post, I just wanted to share them with you today. If you sign up, you and I will both get some fun freebies, but that's all :)

2015 Goals

Meg Chaney


I love the idea of starting 2015 with some goals. A game plan of what I want to accomplish in the next month, next six months, next year. I don't like the idea of unrealistic goals. Goals that will only make me feel bad about myself, goals that I would quickly abandon. Instead, I want it to be an encouragement, a way to look at this coming year with excitement and purpose, ready to work exactly where God has placed me, here and now. 

2015 Goals: 

1) Journaling: I want to journal more. Pen and paper. Prayers, dreams, ideas, thoughts, memories. I have an obsession with nice writing pens and cute little journals! 

2) Reading: Too many days have gone by without me even picking up a book for pleasure. Tis life with little ones, I suppose. But I really want to read more regularly. I love a little space in the afternoon for a cup of tea & a good book. I've been trying to set aside "Reading Time" each afternoon for Emma & I. It's a good breather when things are getting intense and we obviously both need a break. Plus, it makes me happy! I plan on joining in with this reading challenge. Here's my Pinterest board, with the books I'm thinking about. 

 2) Blogging: One longer, well-crafted blog post a week on different topics of interest. (This is definitely going to stretch and push DEPLOYED HEART in some different directions. I'm excited!). 

3) Brainstorming: One day of researching, brainstorming article ideas every week.

4) Submitting: One day of working on article submissions each week. (With one article submitted per month, between now & June. I'll reassess then, and possibly up this goal). 

5) Focusing On: In 2015, I'll be focusing on the words PEACE & BRAVE. There both things God has really placed on my heart. PEACE in my household, with my husband and children. PEACE, because there's no room for worry when PEACE enters in. BRAVE in my writing, in new directions God's taking me with my various gifts. BRAVE for what ever this year has in store for our family. 

And there you have it. These are my goals so far, with room for adjustments. What goals have you set for this year? Do you have any suggestions for my reading list? Feel free to share below. 

Advent 2014: The Shepherds React

Meg Chaney

Hello Friends! With the weekend coming up, I'm giving you a run-down of what we'll be reading today (Friday), Saturday, and Sunday. I'll be back on Monday with the last week of Advent. I'm so excited that we're getting this close! Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. Cookie baking, Christmas shopping, and the music, oh how I love the music! But I also love this Advent tradition we've started with our little ones. Each night, we pause in our bedtime routine to read the verse(s). It's a moment to focus our hearts and minds, and remind all of us of the true meaning of Christmas. So far this Advent, we've looked at Old Testament prophesies that foretold the birth of Christ, and then read about angels coming to visit Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. This weekend, we'll be looking at the response of those shepherds. Just what did they do with the good news they'd been given?


"They hurried off and found both Mary and Joseph, and the baby who was lying in the feeding trough" (Luke 2:16, HCSB). 

I love that it says that  hurried, they wanted to meet this child quickly! It shows that they believed that something was actually going on. That they believed that the Christ-child had actually arrived. Their Messiah. Their Savior, had been born. I'm sure that I would have done much the same. I would have run, as fast as I could, to see if what the angels had said was actually true! 

What the shepherds found was a tiny baby, newly born, probably a bit wrinkly and red in the face. He probably looked like a million other newborn babies. The scriptures don't really say that He was unique in His appearance. He was, well, normal. He wasn't their great military hero. Instead, He was small, innocent, dependent on His mother for nourishment and comfort.  He was wrapped in everyday wrags, not jewls and riches as a king should be. He we normal, and normal shepherds came to meet Him on that blessed night. 


On Saturday, we'll move onto to the next verse. It talks about the shepherds next reaction. Recall, when they first saw the angel, they were terrified. Then, after hearing the good next, they rushed to Bethlehem, to meet the Christ-child. Now, they've seen Him face to face:

"After seeing them, they reported the message they were told about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had seen and heard, just as they had been told"  (Luke 2:17-18, 20, HCSB). 

These shepherds had experienced something amazing. They didn't keep it to themselves, but, instead, when back and told their  story to others. Those that heard were amazed, but I wonder if they actually believed? Sight can be so deceiving. This small baby looked like any other, so small and weak and normal. His parents looked pretty normal too. Do you think anyone took this story to heart? Maybe, maybe not, but the shepherds were passionate about what they saw. They weren't afraid to share the Good News with everyone they knew! God knows that it takes a willing heart. He must have seen something in those shepherds, that told Him that these men would share what they'd seen. These men wouldn't bow down to political or peer pressure. They would speak out, even if most people didn't believe them. It says that they praised and glorified God. They knew that a miracle had taken place, and they wanted to share it. Oh how I want to live the same way, unabashedly sharing the Good News that has so rocked my life! My very reason for living, for breathing, for investing in and loving my friends and family! He came friends! God loved us so much that He sent His son. What a precious Christmas gift! 


Sunday will be a review day for us. We'll look back on what we've read in the Christmas story so far, and discuss how amazing the story of Jesus' birth is. I think it's a point that can't be hammered home with our little kids enough. We all love presents, we all love giving and receiving gifts. But the greatest gift of all is there for us to receive. It's Jesus. Jesus' gift to all of us is the very reason we celebrate Christmas. His love for us is the reason we love others, and shower them with love this Christmas season. We may even discuss how we could practically show that love together as a family in 2015. I'd love to get involved in some more local mission work. Find a way I can help, with little ones in tow. Sunday would be a great evening to discuss that, as we head toward Christmas day, and shortly after, the start of a brand new year!

Advent 2014: The Heavenly Hosts

Meg Chaney


"Suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest heaven,and peace on earth to people He favors! When the angels had left them and returned to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, 'Let’s go straight to Bethlehem and see what has happened, which the Lord has made known to us'" (Luke 2:13-15, HCSB).


Can you imagine? How spectacular it would have been to have stood there that night. It was wonderous enough that an angel came to the shepherds and told them that the Messiah had come. But then, the heavens were filled with angels singing praises to God up above. You'll, it's a little taste of what heaven will be like! But then, it won't be just a moment of praise, but a lifetime. Death, sickness, sadness, neglect, they won't exisit anymore. We will be in the midst of an eternity with Jesus. We will hear that sounds of praise that the shepherds heard on that long ago night. We will feel the overwhelming presence of God, like never before. And, I'm sure, we will hit the ground, faces down, and worship Him with all that we are. As the old hymn goes "Oh what a day that will be!"


The Angel's Message

Meg Chaney

"But the angel said to them, 'Don't be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born to you in the city of David. This will be a sign for you: You will find the baby wrapped snugly in cloth and lying in a feeding trough" (Luke 2:10-12, HCSB).


It's pretty cool that God chose these shepherds to hear the Good News of the Messiah's birth. God must have seen something in their hearts, something that showed a willingness to move and act, a willingness to believe that the Messiah had finally come. They must have felt such confusion, but also, such excitement when they heard the angels' words! Being visited by an angel wasn't really an everyday occurrence then, or even now. It was unique, it demanded attention. Something important was happening. The long awaited Messiah had come. Not charging in on  royal steed, dressed in purple, ready to save the Israelites from their oppression, but as a tiny baby. A tiny baby born into a poor family, who had no place to lay in other than a manger. So small. So humble. So accessible to the shepherds out in the field. So approachable. So... exactly how God had planned.




The Shepherds

Meg Chaney


"In the same region, shepherds were staying out in the fields and keeping watch at night over their flock. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified" (Luke 2:8-9, HCSB).

These were the first people God chose to announce Christ's birth to. Not the pharisees, not the shop keepers or tax collectors but poor shepherds, out in the middle of the night, protecting their sheep. They were the ones with the hearts God desired. God knew that their hearts would be moved, that their hearts would be changed by this event. He knew that they would rush to see the the tiny Messiah in His manger, and then tell everyone they meant the Good News! Perhaps someone richer, someone better off, wouldn't have been believable. By picking someone poor, they would be able to access everyone, and tell them their amazing experience. 

It's hard to imagine just what it was like, standing in the fields outside of Bethlehem on that night, seeing an angel appear before them. I'm sure it was overwhelming, moving, life-changing. Just thinking about it brings tears to my own eyes. How spectacular, to exeprience the presence of The Lord like that! How emotional, how dumstruck they would have been. The scriptures say that they were terrified when they saw the angel. This was no chubby cheriub in front of them, but something... Awesome. 

That moment, in the fields, must have changed everything for those shepherds. Or at least I hope it did. I hope they believed that Jesus actually was the Messiah, and didn't just brush off the encounter with the angels and their visit with a tiny baby as a strange dream. I hope the rest of their lives were changed because of that evening, when they saw the angels fill the skies, and were overwhelmed by the presence of God. 


Have you ever, overwhelmingly known that God was near, that He did care for you, the burdens of your life, and that He was in control? I've never had an angel encounter, I've never been surrounded by God's presence quite like those shephereds were, but I've had some comforting moments of peace, of assurence that I'm really ok, that God is in control of it all. I can look back at some times in my life, and see how God was putting the pieces together, see how He really was working for my good. I've felt His peace that passes all understanding during some of my roughest trials.   His presence is real, friends. And we can all experience it, if we surrender all the craziness to Him, and admit that we can't do this life on our own. Have you ever experienced God's peace?

He came

Meg Chaney


"While they were there, the time came for her to give birth. Then she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and she wrapped Him snugly in cloth and laid Him in a feeding trough—because there was no room for them at the lodging place" (Luke 2:6-7, HCSB).


He came into the world so unassumingly. He was born, not in a palace, but a stable where smelly animals were kept. His first bed was not a cushy pillow, but a feednig trough, where animals stuck their drooly snouts to eat. 

There were some who came to worship him, but for the most part, He came into the world without much notice. The Angels would proclaim his birth, but most people just went about their everyday life, distracted by the census, the overcrowded city, and feeding and sheltering their own families. They didn't recognize what they were missing. 

They didn't realize that something pretty amazing had just taken place. 

As a mother of two, there are many things I wonder about the birth. How painful was it? How long did it last? Did she truly just have Joseph by herside during the delivery? They were both new to this, Joseph, especially wouldn't have known anything about childbirth. 

I'm fortunate to have delivered my babies in a comfortable space, surrounded by professionals, but Mary, she delivered in a stable, surrounded by animals and dirty floors and probably some less than desired smells. A less than ideal birthing environment.

But it was God's plan. 


The everyday. The unexpected. The less than perfect.  

God had come to commune with humanity, to experience life in a human body.  

God had come to show the full extent of His love. 

God had come to save us from our sins.  


God's beautiful plan

Meg Chaney


 "When Joseph got up from sleeping, he did as the Lord’s angel had commanded him. He married her but did not know her intimately until she gave birth to a son. And he named Him Jesus" (Matthew 1:24-25, HCSB).

Joseph has his reservations at first. He is understandably confused and doubtful when he finds out Mary is pregnant. But, to his credit, he doesn't seem to hesitate after the Angel speaks to him in a dream. He doesn't wave off, or tell God that he doesn't have the skills to be Jesus' earthly father. He doesn't ignore the dream either, insisting that dreams are just silly. Instead, he recognized the dream for what it was, a revelation from God. He took the words seriously, and took Mary to be his wife. He took responsibility for her, protecting her from outside criticism and taking her and the child-to-be into his home. He faithfully took care of the pregnant Mary, respecting her precious condition, and named the little boy Jesus when He was born. Joseph was definitely an interesting figure! I love His faithfulness, His willingness to recognize a revelation from God and follow through with it. Definitely honorable traits. And definitely the kind of heart I want to have for the things of God as well.



"In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that the whole empire should be registered. This first registration took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So everyone went to be registered, each to his own town" (Luke 2:1-3, HCSB).

I'm sure the last thing Mary & Joseph wanted to do was travel far from home for a census, especially with Mary so close to her delivery time. But travel they did. And, in doing this, they were going to fulfill a prophesy. For they were going to Bethlehem.

"Bethlehem Ephrathah, you are small among the clans of Judah; One will come from you to be ruler over Israel for Me. His origin is from antiquity, from eternity" (Micah 5:2, HCSB).

Isn't God amazing like that? A government decision by the Romans, a people that didn't even worship God, still accomplished God's will. Something to remember today as well, isn't it? God isn't restricted by anyone or anything. He can work His will and way in any situation, even if it didn't start out being for good. A friend reminded me of that last point yesterday, and I loved it. Things that happen to us in this world because of outside circumstances, a cruel person, a bad decision, a personal sickness, betrayal, hardship, those things don't start out as being "good" but God can still use them for good. He can still bring good out of us, even if its painful in the process. He can use circumstances, and people that don't even believe in Him, to draw His loved ones closer to Him. I don't like the idea of going through hardships, or going through times of pruning, but I love the thought that I'm more like Him at the end of it! I love that thought that He can work through anything, or anyone, even a government that doesn't honor and serve Him can fulfill His prophesies. Why? Because He's God. 



"And Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family line of David, to be registered along with Mary, who was engaged to him and was pregnant. (Luke 2:4-5, HCSB)

Once again, the prophesies of old are being fulfilled. A man of the line of David was going to be the earthly father of Jesus.  The King of Kings was coming to earth shortly, in the form of a tiny baby. 

“'The days are coming'”—this is the Lord’s declaration—'when I will raise up a Righteous Branch of David. He will reign wisely as king and administer justice and righteousness in the land'" (Jeremiah 23:5, HCSB). 

I'm so thankful that we have all of these prophesies. They're just one more way to prove just how amazing God is, and how He keeps His promises. Also that He isn't held in by time, He sees yesterday, today and tomorrow and knows how all the pieces fit together. He had a plan in it all, friends. Reminding myself of these prophesies reveals that. It's a needed reminder, yes?

The prophets foretold it

Meg Chaney


"Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: See, the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will name Him Immanuelwhich is translated 'God is with us.'" (Matthew 1:22-23, HCSB).

Isn't it amazing that Old Testament prophets predicted Christ's birth in detail, long before He was born? The Holy Spirit spoke to them, and gave them so many incredible details, details that probably made little sense to them at the time. But they wrote them down, so that future generations could see those words and believe that the Messiah had, actually, come. And now, in these gospel accounts, we get to see the prophesies come to life. We get to see the promises, that the Jewish nation carried with them for so many generations, come to pass. A virgin gave birth to a son, something that would have seemed really strange to have predicted. Impossible in human standards, yes. But not impossible with God. His name would be Immanuel, because God would come to earth in the form of a tiny baby, a tiny baby that would do so much for humanity, but didn't seem like much on the day he was born. On that day he was small and weak, but He would eventually do so many amazing things. Miracles, wonders, sacrificial love lived out to it's fullest. Immanuel. He was there on earth for a short 33 years, but in that time, He did so many amazing things. Most of all, He died and rose again for all of us, so that we can now live each day with Him. God is with us today and everyday. All we have to do is ask Him to enter in and take over our mess. To be our Lord and Savior. Then, He is with us. Isn't that that comforting reminder? That we don't have to do this life alone? That He is with us every step of the way? Hallelujah. Amen. 

Joseph's Dream

Meg Chaney


"So her husband Joseph, being a righteous man, and not wanting to disgrace her publicly, decided to divorce her secretly. But after he had considered these things, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to him in a dream, saying, 'Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because what has been conceived in her is by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins'” (Matthew 1:19-21, HCSB).

And so Joseph hears the news, his betrothed, Mary, is going to have a child. I'm sure he was confused, doubtful, not really knowing what to think. He could have disgraced her publicly. He had the right to have her stoned. But instead, he tries to keep things quiet. You can tell his love for her in this. He doesn't want her hurt, publicly disgraced. 

But then, an angel comes to help out, once again. This angel brings a special message in a dream, just for Joseph. In this dream, Joseph is told that Mary, indeed, is pregnant by the Holy Spirit. She's not lying, Joseph. What she's saying seems so strange, so unlikely, but it's undeniably true. Your job is to take care of her, protect her, and welcome the Son of God into your home. Wow. What a responsibility for Joseph. And I'm sure, what a sense of relief, knowing that that his future wife wasn't, in fact, lying to him. Instead, she was carrying a precious child, a child Joseph would help raise up for an important task, to be the Savior of the World.

Just as Joseph had the privilege of welcoming the Christ child into his family, so do we. We can welcome Him into our homes on a day to day basis. In the way we love, the way we serve each other with kindness and compassion, the way we raise up our children to love and serve Him. And the way we keep our focus on what truly matters this Christmas-season. Jesus.

How can you invite Jesus into your home/ your life today?


The Impossible

Meg Chaney



"And consider your relative Elizabeth—even she has conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called childless. For nothing will be impossible with God" ( Luke 1:36-37, HCSB).


 What a beautiful promise, written so simply, but such a needed reminder. Mary was struggling to understand just how she could conceive a baby. It wasn't a physical possibility for her, as a virgin. But the Angel's reply said it all. The Angel Gabriel told her that nothing is impossible with God. She could and would conceive a child by the Holy Spirit, and her cousin Elizabeth, well past child-bearing age, would have a son as well.

Two beautiful miracles.  

There have been times in my life when I've honestly, almost given up on certain prayers. When decades pass without an answer, or at least the answer I want to hear. But these words are such a comforting reminder. God has it in control. God sees the completed picture. He is out of time, eternal, all knowing, and His plan will succeed. Hallelujah! Nothing is impossible with Him. 

So give Him your impossible dreams todays. The frustration, the heartbreak, the confusion, and let Him take control. For me, this is a daily surrender. And let Him work, in His perfect time.  




“I am the Lord’s slave,” said Mary. “May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel left her" (Luke 1:38, HCSB).

At the end of Mary's conversation with Gabriel, she declares that she will be submissive to God's will. I'm so impressed by her willing heart here. She could have denied it, or asked someone seemingly more worthy to take her place. She could have questioned God and His plan, or turned her back on the whole miracle entirely. But her heart was willing. I know she wasn't a perfect human being, none of us are, but I'm impressed by this young woman, and the way in which God used her. My prayer today, as I write this, is that my heart would be just as willing to do God's work. It may seem crazy, I may be ostracized for it, but I want to do whatever He asks, go wherever He wants me and my family to go, and serve Him each day of my life. Mary is certainly someone for us to emulate, isn't she? There's such hope, such promise in her story, and also an encouragement to walk by faith, even when we can't see the outcome. 

Advent 2014: Mary

Meg Chaney

Hello everyone! Today I'm grouping together Advent days 4, 5, 6 & 7 since it will carry us through the weekend. I've also been a day behind all week (writing about our Advent evening from the day before). This post will give me a chance to catch up. Feel free to share any thoughts, pondering from these verses. I'd love to hear your perspective as well. 

The birth of Jesus Christ cam about this way: After His mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, it was discovered before they came together that she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
— Matthew 1:18, HCSB

When we looked at this verse with Emma last night, we kept it brief. At four, she can really only take so much in. Much of this wording goes over her head, but we're trying to teach her the simple truths, showing her the beautiful story of Christ's birth. With her, we just told her what a miraculous happening took place. Mary was going to have the Son of God, a pretty amazing thing. 

As I look at these words today, I can't help but ponder what that would have been like for Mary, as a mother. To feel the Christ-child move within her womb, the flutters, the swift rib kicks, the hiccups. I'm sure it wasn't easy, trying to explain how this child came to be. Her family and friends probably thought she was either crazy or lying. But she knew. She knew that completely miraculous thing that happened to her. Those 9 months of carrying that precious child must have been so wondrous. Feeling Him each day inside of her, knowing that He would come into the world soon and she would hold the Messiah in her arms. The rushing feelings must have been intense, of frustration, isolation, loneliness, but also love, wonderment, and anticipation. Something truly amazing had happened in Mary's life, and it was about to change everything. 

In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man named Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel came to her and said, ‘Rejoice, favored woman! The Lord is with you.’
— Luke 1:26-28

I'm sure Emma will be excited to hear about the angel in this reading! We'll probably spend a few minutes talking about who angels are. They're special beings, created to worship God, fight for Him and carry special messages here to earth. They're also far different in appearance then the little chubby cherubs that people often draw.They would be scary and spectacular to see. A visit from an angel is no small thing.  It meant that words straight from God where going to be spoken into Mary's heart. While she was fearful, the angel was there to tell her that she was favored, she was loved by God, and something really important was about to happen in her life.

But she was deeply troubled by this statement, wondering what kind of greeting this could be. Then the angel told her: Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Now listen: You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will call His name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.
— Luke 1:29-33, HCSB

And then, the plan is explained. The angel talks to Mary, and tells her that she will have a baby son, one that has come to save the world from their sins. Imagine that! A simple, sweet girl with a heart for God, would conceive and bear the Christ-child. Pretty amazing, isn't it? She held the Son of God near her heart. A treasured thing, to be sure.

Mary asked the angel, ‘How can this be, since I have not been intimate with a man?’ The Angel replied to her: ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.
— Luke 1:34-35

Friends, that is amazing! Jesus Christ came about in no ordinary way. Mary was understandably confused what the Angel told her she would conceive. She understood just how biologically impossible that would be. But God had something amazing in store! Our devotion with Emma will probably focus mostly on that. It was amazing, unnatural, something that could only be from God.

This whole advent season is such an exciting time. My daughter is busy practicing for her preschool Christmas pagent, and working on Christmas wish lists for Santa. Even my days are largely consumed with getting the house in order for our Christmas party this weekend, and searching out the perfect gift for loved ones. I love the joy and business of this time of year, but I definitely don't want my family to miss out on what really matters. Our Advent Calendar time only takes a couple minutes each evening. I'm often not sure my daughter takes all that much of it in. But I love going through this verses with her, letting the words sink into her little heart, and reminding myself as well. This story is such a beautiful one. It's exciting, wondrous, and worth repeating. And so, as we read these Advent verses each evening, I basically hammer home the same point. "The story of Christ's birth is beautiful, miraculous, amazing. And I'm so thankful."

Advent 2014: It all began in Bethlehem

Meg Chaney

Bethlehem Ephrathah, you are small among the clans of Judah; One will come from you to be ruler over Israel for Me. His origin is from antiquity, from eternity.
— Micah 5:2, HCSB

Long before the Christ child's arrival, the prophet Micah wrote about His birth. And yet, still, many people refused to see it for what it was. They didn't understand how the Son of God would be born in such an insignificant town. They imagined someplace far greater for their coming King. Far more opulent and spectacular. They forgot the very words that were prophesied so specifically, long before Jesus was born. 

They missed it, right when it was right in front of them. Oh how I'd love to go back to that point in history, and experience the birth of Jesus. To hear the angels sing in the sky up above. To visit the baby in the manger, yet so small and weak, tucked up against his mother's breast. To be amazed that one so small would do so much for us one day. To hear the sounds, smell the scents, experience the whole thing first hand. Such a wondrous thing took place on an evening that probably felt normal and mundane to most. While the town was jam-packed with visitors for the census, a husband and wife huddled in a stable, wondering over the face of the tiny Christ-child. I'm sure he looked, sounded, and smelled like most newborn babies, but they knew that He was meant for so much more. Can you imagine being there? How amazing would that be?

And it all began in Bethlehem.

Micah goes on to describe what this Messiah will do for the Jewish people. The freedom they'll find through Him:

He will stand and shepherd them in the strength of Yahweh, in the majestic name of the Yahweh His God. They will live securely, for then His greatness will extend to the ends of the earth. He will be their peace
— Micah 5:4-5a

Isn't that a beautiful promise? It's so wondrous that a baby, once so small, would eventually do all this for His people. That He would shepherd and guide all of us. This world is full of so many trials and hardships, it's wonderful remembering all the Christ does and will continue to do for us, as His grafted in family. A tiny child grew up to save us all from a life of sin and death. As his children we're protected, we really have nothing to fear. We are held in His arms each and every day of this life. His greatness has no bounds, no end. He is our ultimate source of peace. We have no need of anything else. 

These are truly words I needed to be reminded of today. There truths I grew up with, have heard all along. But sometimes, I start to forget. I get caught up in life and it's trials, it's burdens. It's easy to hold on to those burdens, to try to make things work, to try to explain things, or fix things on my own. Sometimes I need the reminder of Him being my peace. Of Him being my shepherd, my king. That He can handle today and every day. I'm protected. I'm secure. I have peace through Him.

And it all began in Bethlehem. 



Advent 2014: Wonderful Counselor

Meg Chaney

For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
— Isaiah 9:6, HCSB


The Old Testament prophets dreamed of a day when a Savior would come into this world. The Savior, Jesus Christ, would make it possible for God to live in communion with man. He would be the Wonderful Counselor. And He would dwell within each of us. 

When we read from Isaiah last night, much of it went right over my small daughter's head. I'm not sure she even knows what words like "Wonderful Counselor" mean. And so, for now, my basic goal is to just express how exciting these prophesies were. How they spoke of something spectacular to come. Something you and I get to experience each and every day. We have the priviledge of experiencing the Wonderful Conselor. Of listening for His voice in our lives. Of feeling His presence on the hard days. Of seeking His wisdom in all things. I pray, as my daughter grows older, she longs for this fellowship as well. And I pray that as I interact with my children today, respond to their needs, break up disputes, calm down tears, that I share God's love with them. That peace is ever evident in our home this Christmas season. And that I always remember the spectacular gift of our Wonderful Counselor. 


Advent 2014: He is with us

Meg Chaney

I made a simple advent calendar last Christmas. I wanted to share the Christmas season with our then-three-year-old in a different way. She was so excited about Christmas, and kept asking when it was going to get here. She was also, for the first time, asking for things for Christmas.  The calendar was a nice way to count down, and also share the Christmas story with her. I loved doing it with her, and how excited she was when we put the calendar up again this year. Each day we have a few verses to read, either Old or New Testament, about the birth of Jesus.  

Last night's verse was Isaiah 7:14 "Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel" (HCSB). 

Isn't it amazing how many prophesies were fulfilled with the birth of one small child?. 

God is with us. Long ago, it was prophesied that a baby would be born in an unnatural way. Why? So that He could fulfill a special purpose. By coming into the world this way, He would be the Son of God, and would one day dwell within all of us, never to part. God is with us.

What a reminder for me today. Yesterday wasn't an easy day. It's so easy to get caught up in the stress, caught up in the imperfections of this life. Instead of trusting in Him. And today, it's just comforting to know that He's with me. With me on the messy days. With me on the glorious ones. 

He's with us.

Did you know He's with you today as well?



An Appointment

Meg Chaney

This morning, I find myself tucked up in a chair next to a fireplace, cup of coffee at hand, world outside dark, but waking up with the sounds of a bustling city. This will be day three of our trek toward my husband's home, such a snail pace compared to how I used to travel. 

But my husband has taught me a lot about traveling over the years. About taking detours to see those we care about, spending the night so that we can stay up playing games. About patience, and the importance of fellowship.  

Yes, we could have gotten there on Monday. It's Wednesday now, and I'm not as bothered by that as I might have been once. Sometimes, it's abot the experience of traveling with little ones. It's about stopping at that playplace, when they really do need to stretch their legs and get some energy out. It's about letting go of my tight, rigid schedule, and enjoying a different way of traveling.

And then, my husband detours, so that I can see a new friend. Someone I meant at The Influence Conference a few months back.  She meets us for dinner, husband and kiddos go back to the hotel, and then she and I talk over hot cups of coffe/tea. 

She's a new friend, but she has something to offer. Some words I need to hear. We're friends of the heart, kindred spirits you could say. Someone I can be honest and open with. Someone who leaves my heart feeling blessed. Full. Reminded that I do have Battle Buddies out there, praying for me, thinking about me, even if there hundreds of miles away.

If I had been too rushed, I would have missed that appointment. I would have missed her encouragment, and the reminder to have grace with myself and others this holiday season. To let go of the thought that I have to make these holidays perfect, jampacked with memories. And that God has things planned much greater than "my" perfect little ideals.  

I had to slow down to make that appointment last night. I had to let this trip take a lot longer than I would have planned. And I'm so thankful for that.


What can you let go of this holiday season so that grace can enter in? 

Cultivating Peace

Meg Chaney


Rach Kincaid's Influence Network class last night was on peace in the midst of a crazy holiday season. "Let peace rule" she encouraged us, and it really resonated in my heart.

Peace, instead of worrying about buying the perfect gifts for friends and family.

Peace, instead of stressing over my messy house.

Peace, so that I can invite people into our imperfect home. I, truly, never want to be so caught up in my own expectations, that I don't invite people into my home the way it is. Messy. Love-filled. Flaws and all.

Peace, in the way I interact with my children. How I settle disputes. How I calm my children down out of tantrums, and give them the rest they need.

How do I do this?

By setting parameters. Making sure we're not too busy. Making rest time a priority in our day. Dousing their pillows and feet with lavender oil. Playing worship music. Praying, praying, and more praying. Delving into God's word. Praising Him for this glorious time of year. 

I truly love the holidays. I love all the traveling to visit family, siting up late playing games and watching movies. I love when the miles fall away and loved ones are close enough to hug once again. I love entertaining, inviting people into our home. Gingerbread. Christmas trees. Wrapping paper. Stockings. Cinnamon rolls. The music. The lights. 

It fills me up inside.

But, it's easy for me to get lost in it all. It's easy for me to get too busy, to stressed and overwhelmed. Overstimulated. Over-involved. 

And then, I miss out on the peace.

The peace that is always there. I just have to cultivate. Let it grow. Let it consume me. Don't let it stifle out by my own craziness.

And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who cultivate peace
— James 3:18, HCSB

Some morning thoughts on words

Meg Chaney

A verse to ponder this morning: "Speak and act as those who will be judged by the law of freedom" (James 2:12, HCSB). 

It's early in our house this morning. I tiptoed down the hallway, past their rooms, grabbed my cup of coffee, and snuck back to my room for some quiet time. Admit-tingly I spent some time browsing the internet, and then came here, to ponder that verse up above. The book of James has a lot to say about words. Perhaps that's why it's my favorite book of the Bible. James, he was a man who understood the power of words. How words that are sent out of our mouths, aren't so easily sent back. Here, on the interwebs, I can at least press the delete key. I have a little more control over what people read. But in my life, in my relationships, words pay a powerful role. There have been many times when I wished I could take back certain words, erase them, start over. Times when I wish I'd been a little slower in speaking up. When I wish I'd let the thoughts percolate a little longer before speaking out. Sometimes, I truly don't know what to say. I have to pray, asking God to put the needed words in my mouth. This, friends, is my preferred route. I'd much rather wait on The Lord, and let Him speak through me.

And so, as I greet this new day, I'm honestly not sure what I'll face. Each day is so unpredictable, so unlike the past.  

Lord Jesus, may my words be seasoned with mercy and grace, as I mother these precious little ones, interact with family and friends, and even strangers at the grocery store. Help my words to come slowly, so that you are given time to speak through me.