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Filtering by Tag: reviews

The Wish: A Review

Meg Chaney


Hello friends,

I'm so excited to start reviewing books for Bethany House. Blogging programs are becoming such a fun outlet for me. I receive free copies of books, in exchange for my honest review of the book. 

When I was young, my family lived in Lancaster County, Penslvannia. I was so intrigued by our Amish neighbors there. They chose such a different way of life, without eletricity, authomotives, or even having their picture taken. They were private, devout, and rule holders. They had abundant gardens, raised countless animals, and made the most beautiful quilts. I loved going to the markets and seeing all their beautiful home goods and produce for sale. 

It's no wonder that I started reading about them as I grew older. While I don't think I could ever, personaly, be Amish, there's a certain draw, perhaps the simplicity. As a pre-teen, Beverly Lewis was one of the first Amish Fiction writers that I read. I still remember reading The Shunning, The Confession, and The Reckoning. Such good books! If you've never read Beveraly Lewis, I definitely suggest picking them up.

All that to say, I was really excited to start reading Lewis' newest book, The Wish.  

One thing I love about Lewis is there is no one answer. Sometimes her characters find a happy life loving and serving God outside of the Amish community, and sometimes that life is found within their family and faith. Each story is different, each circumstance is different. In The Wish, there's a bit of a mystery. Overnight, Leona's best friend, Gloria disappears. For some reason, Gloria and her family chose to leave their Amish community. Years later, Leona receives a letter from her friend, and has to decide what to do. Does she go get her friend, and try to bring her back home? Or does she leave her in the ouside world? Leona's decision is a tricky one, there are many feelings and opinions at stake. As a devout Amish woman, soon to be married to the decon's son, she has a lot of things she's putting on the line if she does go after her dearest friend. But if she doesn't, she might always live to regret it....

The importance of prayer is a thread through this story. When Leona didn't know what to do, when the answers, the results, weren't evident or immediate, she offered up her problems to God. She asked Him for wisdom. She asked Him for direction.

Such good reminders for my own life as well. Sometimes, we receive differing opinions, sometimes the answers are hazy, it's unclear what the right or wrong choice would be. And so, we give it all to Jesus. 

Good writing should make you think, should encourage you in your own life. Beverly Lewis has me thinking about faith, about prayer, which are such great things. And so, yes, go pick up her book. Find a little corner in a coffee shop to read, and be encouraged and uplifted today. Because good fiction should leave us feeling encouraged, yes?

HCSB Notetakers Bible for Teens: A Review

Meg Chaney

Hello all! I know this little blog has been quiet. I'm excited to hop on with another book review from the BH/Lifeway Blogger Team today! This was given to me for my honest review. 

Last Christmas, a journaling Bible was #1 on my wish list. My husband searched high and low for the HCSB version in particular, but ended up buying me a black, ESV version. I've been loving all of the extra room to write in the margins as I'm reading, adding prayers, specific dates that I read a certain verse, or just thoughts and questions about the text. It's been a new Bible study habit for me this year, an intentional way to spend more time in scripture.

 I was so excited when I saw this HCSB Notetakers Bible For Teens on the book review list.  The cover makes me so happy, and the color gray is so on trend with life right now, am I right? When I first opened this Bible, I was surprised by the 12 templates. (My black ESV journaling Bible just has empty margins). The templates have ended up being quite fun to trace! Coloring can be a very therapeutic way to start your day! It does lessen my ability to write what I want on each page, but sometimes coloring prompts can be nice as well. My approach is to read a few verses, and then think and pray about them as I'm coloring the picture. 

I'm still a little torn over whether I like blank margins, or color templates like this Bible, better. I like the freedom to write notes next to each verse . But this Bible definitely wins for pretty cover, and HCSB version! It would make a super sweet gift for someone special, or just serve as a new, encouraging way to delve into scripture. If you have any suggestions on journaling Bibles please share them below. I'd love to hear!